Thought to live by.
Three things that cannot be hidden forever are the Sun, the Moon, and the Truth —Buddha
Don't forget to look up my list of 600 jobsites if you are interested in quantity 600 Jobsites, and join my Facebook group Engineering Opportunities in Southeast Michigan
- There are numerous job search boards on the internet run by mentally defective people who think engineers want to work as trash collectors, restaurant dishwashers in restaurants, or gas station attendants
People who run such boards should be committed to mental hospitals. I have to sort through hundreds of job descriptions describing unrelated jobs. This is done to ensure I don't have enough time to look for relevant jobs.
The first category includes job boards that show you all jobs all jobs-no sorting-violates can-spam act. I will just supply names, not links to these job sites because you don't need them (unless you are a doctor and want to get a job pumping gas!);-- examples: Wullo, Startwire, Jobungo, JobHub. Elance, FindTheRightJob, Jobs2Careers, Jobsreport, FreeDreamJobs, Doostang, Careerbotique, Careerarc, Careerbum, Careerbliss, Jobberman, Get-Me-Jobs, Apply-4-Jobs, SnagaJob
- Sends you numerous e-mails every day, most of which are not related to the type of job you are seeking;-
- examples: PostJobsForFree, Beyond, JobServe, MichiganJobDepartment
- Electrical Engineer, but too dumb to know there are different kinds of electrical engineers;-
- example: JobReport, GTA Staffing, CDI, Careermove
- Controls Engineers, but too dumb to know there are different kinds of controls engineers;-
- example: Climber, ResumeRabbit, CareerMag
- The following job sites let you customize your alerts but do not let you limit your location;-
- examples: JobsToday, Jobseeq, ITJobWeb, SoloGig, AutomationTechies, RecommendedJobs, Careeravenue
- The following job sites let you customize alerts if you spend enough time looking for the page where you can customize alerts;
- Career Builder,
, Career Marketplace, Zipecruiter, Dice, GetAutomotiveEngineeringJobs, Indeed, JobsToday, LinkedUp, Monster, TechFetch, TheLadders, TweetMyJobs, LiveCareers, Detroit Jobsite, Nexxt, JobServe, Manufacturing Workers, JobsEye, Neuvoo, Jobvertize,..
To minimize e-mail from dumb recruiters who don't understand what "Not able to relocate" means, include your location in the title of the resume. My resume is titled "Larry Tessari Detroit Area Resume." Any recruiter who still doesn't understand gets his e-mails sent to the Junk folder. I don't have time to deal with ignorant people who think that a resume with the word Detroit in it means I am looking for a job in Texas!
There is a situation in the U.S. that is very unfair to job-seekers. When a company needs an employee, they submit a requisition to a large number of staffing companies (also called employment agencies or recruiters.). Then when the prospective employer receives a duplicate submission, they automatically disqualify the job candidate. Many staffing companies will submit a resume even if the job candidate tells them not to just to stifle their competitors. Companies also vary tremendously on the length of time they consider a submittal to be multiple. Some, like General Motors, consider a job candidate to have been submitted multiple times if the job candidate has been submitted more than once in the past year. Others, like Visteon, only consider a job candidate to have multiple submittals if the job candidate has been submitted more than once in the same month. This situation is very detrimental to job-seekers
I understand that many staffing companies like this situation because they currently have a very high mark-up (the difference between what they pay the contract employee and that they charge the client) and if their client companies were forced to accept multiple submissions, there would be price competition and the profits would go down. Staffing companies typically have a markup of around 40%, which is definitely excessive. Clearly, this situation constitutes a price-fixing situation in restraint of free trade.
Staffing companies should be forced to compete just like other businesses do. I think you should support some legislation to correct this situation. An auto company can't refuse to let me buy a car because I shopped at several different dealers.
All the job sites using the TALEO software take too long to apply to.
See my review of recruiters and staffing companies
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Ramblings My thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects.
If I Were President These are the changes I would make if I were president.
E-mail me if you want me to add a link to your site about unfair laws, to invite me to appear as a guest on your talk show, or do things to hold government employees, accountable passed in Michigan.
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