Thought to live by.
Those who can make you believe absurdities
can make you commit atrocities—Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire
I have a very sweet and beautiful Wife, Annette Tessari
I also have two wonderful daughters, Natalie C. Tessari and Melissa L. Tessari They are both fantastic kids.
Facebook Groups Join these Facebook groups to stop seniors from being abused by guardians and the courts.
Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardsianships Stoppiing "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happens across the United States. Many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
State of Michigan website claiming to Stop Guardian Abuse Stopping "guardians" from take all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
National Organization to Stop Guardian Abuse Stoppping "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happens all across the United States.
Adult Advocy Centers Preventing seniors with small medical problems from being "incompatent" and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happensz all across the United States. Many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
End Guardian Racket Stopping "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happens all across the United States. Many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
Court Victim Stopping "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happens all across the United State. Many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
C4CCUSA Stopping "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison.
Justice for Elder Abuse Stopping "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison.
PMIP Stopping "guardians" from take all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happens all across the United States. Many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
Lawless America Stopping "guardians" from taking all of a senior's possessions and putting them in a place similar to a prison. Happens all across the United States and many seniors (including myself) are fearful of this.
Area Agency on Aging 1-B Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Church Militant Opposes Catholic Church euthanizing people.
Judicialpedia Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Nationsl Institute on Aging Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Nationsl Center on Elder Abuse Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Administration for Community Living Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Older Adults Nest Egg Opposes financial fraud of Seniors.
Free Charlie Thrash from Guardianship Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Elder Abuse Alliance Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Assisted Living Consumer Alliance Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Medical Kidnap Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Healthcare Civil Rights Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Center for Medicare Advocacy Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
National Adult Protective Services Association Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
National Committee for the prevention of Elder Abuse Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Service Employuees International Union Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Medicaid Fraud Hotline Opposes Probate Abuse of Seniors.
Probate Sharks Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Cear Justice Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Elderly Advocates Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Judicial Watch Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Halo Voice Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Abusive Guardianships Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Diane Diamond Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship about April Parks Stop terrorist"guardians.
Elder Abuse Exposed Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians.
Marti-Oakley Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Hospice Patients Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Halo Voice Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Life Defence Foundation Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Life Guardian Foundation Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
4 fate Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Choice Illusion Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
National Right to Life Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
California Right to Life Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Texas Right to Life Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Hospice Fraud Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Kasem Cares Group trying to stop terrorist"guardians" from blocking visitation."
Randy Asplund Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Stop Elder Abuse.net Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Admimistration on Aging Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Mary G Sykes Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Justice in Aging an organization that strongly opposes age discrimination.
National Council on Aging Organization that fights age discrimination in hiring.
Randy Asplund Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Ugly Judge Another group trying to stop terrorist"guardians."
Sommers Schwartz A law firm that helps prevent you from being in an abusive guardianship. Join the facebook group Stop Terrorist Guardians
The Electronic Frontier Foundation Our government wants to take your 1st amendment freedoms away. Their competitor, The American Civil Liberties Union has done nothing to protect US citizens. Voltaire (mentioned above) said "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend unto death your right to say it." My how times have changed!
The Electronic Privacy Information Center Protects our rights against abuse by our totalitarian government.
The Gray Panthers Another group to protect the rights of our older citizens. They have compiled a well thought-out list of demands to undo the damage to our country caused by the syphilis-brained morons who ruined our country with their pork-barrel and partisan politics and the collection of bribes which are not illegal due to the numerous loopholes in lobbying laws these self-serving parasites passed.
Alliance of Retired Americans Another group to protect the rights of our older citizens. They also have compiled a very intelligent and well thought-out list of demands to improve life for seniors
Association of Mature American Citizens Has some good ideas and some not so good. Mean well but don't have the ability to think clearly.
Michigan Protection Advocacy Services Provides legal help for seniors who are being abused.
The Center for Individual Freedoms Protects the rights of our citizens to voice their concerns.
The Federation of State Public Interest Research Groups They are not afraid to tell you that lobbyists get their way by paying legislators under the table.
The Libertarian party I don't agree with them 100% but they are more right than the Democrats and much more right than the Republicrooks! Republicrooks want to commit Gericide against the American people.
Change.org Wants to stop the terrorists trying to prevent the hiring of American Citizens.
National Labor Relations Board Ruling that workers'and retirees' criticisms of a (previous) employer is a protected activity and you can't be fired or denied retirement benefits for making such criticisms.
American Seniors I haven't had a chance to examine this group's agenda in detail yet but will soon
LibertyStickers.com Get stickers describing our corrupt police state that masquerades as a democratic government.
Moveon.org This group respects the rights of the individual and opposes government of, by, and for the corporations.
HR3149 Solves SOME of the problems with The New Gestapo. We can't let corporate HR personnel trample over the rights of honest American Citizens. We also need legislation preventing the New Gestapo from asking for your passwords to your social network pages and bank cards.
Hire Americans First Stop governmental policy that prevents prejudice against Americans in Employment.
Ban The Box Stop employers from refusing to hire someone for minor in possession of alcohol offense 40 years ago.
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education A group that protects the first amendment rights of college students against totalitarian attacks under the guise of "political correctness."
IFEX, formerly the International Freedom of Expression Exchange Publicizes attempts by government officials to suppress publication of newsworthy events.
National Coalition Against Censorship you have a right to view what some people consider to be "obscene" thoughts.
Center for Democracy and Technology tries to prevent public disclosure of your personal and private activities.
Natalie C. Tessari One of my wonderful daughters
Melissa L. Tessari The other of my wonderful daughters
Go to my Bad Guys Page
Go to my Complaints Page Find a list of websites to post your complaints so the world can know. DO IT! Don't be a coward
E-mail me if you want me to add a link to your site about unfair laws, to invite me to appear as a guest on your talk show, or do things to hold government employees accountable passed in Michigan.
Ramblings My thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects.
If I Were President These are the changes I would make if I were president.
Friends My friends, many of whom are being persecuted for their thoughts and beliefs.
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