Thought to live by.
Let me Call you Sweetheart Bing Crosby
I have a very sweet and beautiful Wife, Annette Tessari
I also have two very wonderful daughters, my daughter Natalie C. Tessari and my daughter Melissa L. Tessari They are both fantastic children and I am very proud of them.
Go to my Bad Guys Page
Return to my Good Guys PageMy tribute to those who have been helpful and supportive.
Go to my Complaints Page Find a list of websites to post your complaints so the world can know. DO IT! Don't be a coward
E-mail me if you want me to add a link to your site about unfair laws, to invite me to appear as a guest on your talk show, or do things to hold government employees accountable passed in Michigan.
Ramblings My thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects.
If I Were President These are the changes I would make if I were president.
Friends My friends, many of whom are being persecuted for their thoughts and beliefs.
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