Thought to live by.
The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think—Aristotle
Suppose you have been looking around my web site. You probably notice that issues that concern me most include the first amendment right to free speech, the need for more effective means to stop robocalls/spam/junk mail, fear that older persons may be victims of abusive guardianships. We should have single-payer healthcare to keep costs reasonable. Age and weight prejudice in hiring decisions should result in large fines to the company. The government should require police departments that don't investigate a crime thoroughly to pay the victim whatever it costs to hire a private detective to do a thorough investigation.
I believe that victimless crime should not be illegal. Forcing you to do what some dumb-ass lawmaker with a God complex thinks is "morally right" is totalitarianism, not democracy. Whenever a victimless crime exists, mobsters see an opportunity to make a profit. Look how much crime there was during prohibition. Our government created the lottery and then licensed the casinos. You don't have the mafia running a numbers racket anymore. Have any gays attacked you since homosexuality became legal in 2003? Police officers oppose marijuana legalization because they would then have to fight crime instead of harassing users. I think prostitution should be legal as long as both the prostitute and the client are in it willingly. I think it should be illegal to push drugs (because that hurts other people,) but the users are not hurting anybody except themselves, and sending them to prison hurts them more than the drugs will. The public should be aware of harmful things, but when a person chooses to use them anyway, that should be the user's problem, not society's. This includes alcohol, tobacco, driving without a seat belt or motorcycle helmet, or attempting suicide. Our government should not be required to stop you from harming yourself. The taxpayers should not have to pay for this. I have strong objections to forcing the taxpayer to pay for such intrusion on people's privacy. But if your actions harm anyone else, the penalty should be much more severe. Causing another person a loss of less than $10 by stealing from him or damaging his property should result in a prison term of 20 years. Loss of $50 or more should result in a sentence of 50 years. And more than $100 should be life in prison.
I believe that if the alcohol or drugs that a person feeds themselves causes them to be in a situation where that person can harm another person , the penalty should be the same as they would receive for the most severe harm the action could cause. Therefore, a person guilty of drunk driving should be given the same penalty they would get if they caused an accident and killed somebody.
I believe that if someone causes you harm and the police do a sloppy job of trying to find the criminal, you should able to hire a private investigator to do the investigation and bill the city for it. If your house or car gets broken into, the police don't even bother to fingerprint (in Michigan, at least.) We pay taxes for police and fire protection and we don't get it. That doesn't make any money for the local police department, and your personal safety or property is not important to them. I had an oscilloscope stolen and had to threaten to file a lawsuit before the police would even write a report for me to give to the insurance company.
I believe in capital punishment, both for capital crimes and for those who prey upon children or the elderly. Members of the election commission have kept this issue off the ballot in Michigan because they are POLITICAL OPPONENTS of L. Brooks Patterson, the chief supporter of capital punishment in Michigan.
I believe it is not our responsibility to take care of foreigners who want to come here and enjoy the benefits of being in the US. We should eliminate the HB-1 visa program. Most of these foreigners do not intend to apply for citizenship because their employer will not have the same economic advantage to keep them on the payroll once they do.
I believe that the rights of the individual should be paramount. Thanks to the influence of money in politics, corporations have more influence in government than people do. We need to override that Citizens United court decision. Our country's current state is government of the corporations, for the corporations, and by the corporations. And if the corporation is a trump tower . . . . . .
I believe in the first amendment and the right of Freedom of Speech. Those who seek to destroy democracy use censorship as their first weapon to suppress ideas and opinions. I do not believe that the right to state facts should be impinged on simply because the statement is unfavorable to someone. However, I don't think employers should have the right to make hiring decisions based on what a person publishes on the Internet. My political beliefs should not matter if I do not talk about them at work. I know an engineer who got fired because his boss didn't like a candidate sign he had in his yard the last election. I don't think an employer should be allowed to consider any information about an employee that does not pertain to the employee's ability to do the job. Your first amendment rights are meaningless if you can be penalized for using them.
The New Gestapo I don't believe that an employer should have the right to look up ANY information about a job candidate that is not related to his or her ability to do the job. And I think that any hiring manager who does so should be found guilty of a criminal offense, given a prison term of not less than 20 years, and his company should be fined one million dollars minimum for each candidate whose privacy rights have been violated.
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If I Were President These are the changes I would make if I were president.
E-mail meif you want me to add a link to your site about unfair laws, to invite me to appear as a guest on your talk show, or do things to
hold government employees accountable passed in Michigan.
Friends My friends, many of whom are being persecuted for their thoughts and beliefs.
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