Thought to live by.
To each according to his needs—Constitution of the former USSR![]()
There is a dangerous terrorist group operating right here in the US. This group wants to perform Gericide (GERIatric homiCIDE) against one of the largest demographic groups in the US. They want to destroy the baby boomers by denying them access to affordable medical treatment in the hopes that the members of this group will die sooner. If you are too fucking ignorant to understand this, look at the pharmaceutical bill on the left. This monthly, yes monthly, cost is the part of my prescriptions that the Medicare Part D plan does not cover. The Part D insurance premium is $108 per month from Aetna and Costco is supposed to be a DISCOUNT pharmacy. In addition, I have to pay United Healthcare $215 per month for my Plan F and CMS Medicare $105 per month for my Part B. CMS medical refuses to pay for such basic tests as a total blood count. I pay Delta Dental $56 per month which doesn't cover everything and Heritage Vision $6 per month which doesn't cover $256 for my glasses (which get replaced every year).
Like El Qaida, this terrorist group has other organizations providing financial support for its activities. The pharmaceutical industry wants this terrorist group to block any attempt to control its abusive pricing policies while obstructing attempts to purchase medication from a Canadian pharmacy, and the insurance industry wants to prevent the government from providing affordable health care to seniors or forcing them to pay for the medical services that the "protection" money they extract from seniors (they call them "premiums" but this is really money you must pay if you want to remain alive and healthy). The combined effect of these two actions would result in Gericide because many of us could not seek affordable treatment for many dangerous conditions that threaten our lives.
If you are wondering who this dangerous political group is, it is the Republican Party. It goes by the name "Government of the People" but the name is a lie. It is really Government of the Corporations because the dangerous pharmaceutical and insurance industries finance its terrible operations. The Soviets, mentioned above were more humanitarian than these criminals (unless you believe that affordable medical treatment is not a need.)
You can show your displeasure with this dangerous organization by sending your turds and tampons (used, of course) to
301 First Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
And, of course, don't vote for these terrorists unless you want your parents and grandparents to die!
This country was not great until the Baby Boomers came to power. The Baby boomers put a man on the moon. Baby Boomers created most of the computer technology you now enjoy. And the Republicrooks want to eliminate them prematurely. Such gratitude!
I was debating whether to use the quote from the USSR constitution or "They had better die. . .to decrease the surplus population" from Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" to illustrate the way these republicrooks think.Return to my Bad Guys Page Return to my Bad Guys page.
E-mail me if you want me to add a link to your site about unfair laws, to invite me to appear as a guest on your talk show, or do things to hold government employees accountable passed inMichigan.
Ramblings My thoughts and opinions on a variety of subjects.
If I Were President These are the changes I would make if I were president.
Friends My friends, many of whom are being persecuted for their thoughts and beliefs.
Democrats are the party of choice for the uneducated, the derelicts, and those who could not keep a job were they not members of a labor union, but they are not all badTERRORIST RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS,
Republicans are the party of choice for the snobbish, bourgeoisie aristocrats, and the would-be nobility. Their avowed goal is the complete destruction of the American Middle ClassThe American Middle Class is Socialist Democrat